

on a galactic scale

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This article is a part of Project RPG.


The following rules apply to characters born or residing in the Hollowstar System. Note that there may be more specific rules in local planet and/or city locations, be sure to look up the BRPG rules there as well.

While Hollowstar provides no formal education, certain skills are learned through immersion in society.

Note: If a character receives a skill or skill bonus twice, then add the bonuses together and/or skills together.

Birth Advantages[]

All characters born in the Hollowstar System have the following skills:

Common Knowledge[]

  • Year Cost: 5

All characters that have spent no less than five years in the Hollowstar System have the following skills:

Common Skills[]

  • Year Cost: 5 (In addition to Common Knowledge)

All characters that have spent no less than ten years in the Hollowstar System have the following skills:
